sweetie blue

come with me giving the nice smile to everyone that needs smile and happiness for yesterday, today, tomorrow and ever after...

Monday, July 24, 2006

my beloved pramex, my poorest pramex..

dear buddies

I wanna share you now a little silly story about what had happened yesterday.

Prelude : Right now im here, back to jogja again, after spending my weekend in my sweet home town, solo. a small city at the eastern side of jogja.

I usually went home by train, a Pramex (Prambanan Express) train. a semi-economic level class (rather than business class for passengers) train. yet, it was only a white-blue-red-painted train consisted of three railway coaches. but recently, PT KAI, the Indonesian Railways Institution, bought a new model of Pramex. it maybe inspired by the increased passengers in every weeks. so that the train now can bring more passengers since the seats are placed in two face-to-face rows. The new Pramex also differs in colour from its elder one, it is yellow-green-painted and consists of more than tree railway coaches (sorry, forgetting the amount of coaches).

Yesterday i would like to back to Jogja from Solo by the evening Pramex. but, poor me, that day should to be a very terrible day of mine. i bought the Pramex ticket in ticketing counter in the station for Rp 7,000.00 per ticket. i took my change money for Rp 3,000.00 since I gave the Rp 10,000.00 fraction to him. Poor me, the change money was a TORN MONEY...hikz..
i would like to replace it but the ticketing officer has left the counter. If he left without noticing the money i hold, It probably suggested him that i had replaced the torn money from him as the change with mine.
fortunately, it just one thousand rupiah.

At 5.45 pm the train hasn't been come. the Maghrib adzan has been sounding in the Great Mosque in front of the train station. But, where was the train?
Thanks God, at 6.00 pm the officer called us to prepare our bags since the train has already come.

Dregg...dregg.. (not Tut..tutt..anymore, huh..:D)
The white train has come, but something dark made it seemed to be strange to see. Yap! the dim of train's lamp went off. when the train arrived in front of me, not only the lamp which is went off, but the machine turned off, too.
waks! It absolutely shutted down.

"The yellow train was in a damaged machine", report the station officer to some passengers who asked about the yellow one that was why the evening train supposed to be the old white one. poor the passengers, the old white train also leak in machine. Some passengers cannot breathe since they were trapped in locked doors and windows. the fan turned off too, there were so many children crying loudly..

I couldnt imagine, what i would do if i was trapped there too. thanks God, i was still standing on the ground, still could taking breath..hehe..the train was positively damaged. the machine could not be fixed at that evening. it was cold evening, you know..
then every passenger screamed, protested, amucked...especially they who were trapped inside the train.

What a silly case was when I realized that suddenly I was the ONLY person who still stay in the station. After the door is opened, people were in hurry enter the coaches. I, then, asked by myself, why did they enter the broken train? did the machine go on while I did not notice it?
Humm...realising something strange, I tried to listen to the machine carefuly. Trying to catch any fixed machine sounds. I was really sure, that there were no machine sounds at all..so why people came out to the train?? Would it be departed?
I knew that it may be impossible for the train to be departed, the machine was extremely went off. But what i have done was such a silly matter among the unsolved problems.
I ran up climbing the ladder to enter the dark train, stand among some guys who was grumbling. Only five minutes later, there was an announcement from the station officer that the train departure will be postponed until the mechanic came later.

Ughh...we ran down again from the damaged train...
Grumble and grumble..
And I was really sure that I was such a fool. Realizing something false, but I "join" to that fault..hahaha..

Almost 7.00 pm, while we were anxious how to go to Jogja, since the ticket cannot be reimbursed. at last, the trapped passengers could be evacuated to the ground by opening the door compulsively. people were protested to the officers. i suddenly asked my ticket back, but it was refused. I persisted to take my money back as the consequence for the station due to the damaged train. I protested to the officer, finally, he gave my money back.

Some passengers are moved to the next train that will pass the station, it was a Sri Tanjung train, the economic-class from Surabaya to Jogjakarta.
I called my home, my brother-in-law picked me up and i decided to go to Jogja this early morning by the first train from Solo.

oh, train, oh railways problems, why it used to happen in our beloved country...



  • At 2:41 pm, Blogger Nonan said…

    wekeke....pas lihat judul aku kirain PARAMEX (obat sakit kepala) gak taunya kereta pramex ya..hihihihi

    aku juga pernah kok ngalamin kayak gitu mbak rere..emang emang PT.KAI harus lebih berbenah diri, disamping banyak keretanya yang rusak ditambah dari keamanan nya yang kurang...

    aku pernah lho dapat kereta yang lampunya mati, AC-nya rusak dan kondisi bangkunya yang juga gak enak lagi untuk di duduki...wes sangat menderita sekali...apalagi itu levelnya kereta bisnis...hmmm...bisa dibayangkan gak ya..kalo kereta bisnis pelayanannya kayak gini, ekonomi gimana coba..hehehe...

  • At 5:12 pm, Blogger R. Topan Berliana said…

    Temen saya juga pernah ngalami hal yang sama (terjebak di prameks dan pintunya terkunci). Untungnya masih bisa dibuka paksa (kayak pintu lift).

    Saya pernah mengalami hal lebih buruk lagi dengan KA tempo dulu (kebakaran). Mengerikan memang kondisi fasilitas publik di negeri kita.

  • At 12:44 pm, Blogger arleynova said…

    emg di Ind ada ya kreta bisnis pake AC? seingetku ke jakarta bolak balik pk KA jg ga pernah dpt yg AC. adanya jg semi ekonomi gt. Pramex baru tu rada mending sih, ada blowernya otomatis gak ada yg bole ngrokok, tp herannya kan baru mule mei tu broprasi, kok dah mogok..hmmm...

  • At 4:43 pm, Blogger Irfan said…

    kereta mogok gak cuma ada di indo, Re. Di Australia sini keretanya sama parahnya... Pernah dulu aku sampai nunggu 20 menit di dalam kereta yang diam gak bergerak --ada si pengumuman kalo tu kereta rusak-- sampai akhirnya kesabaranku hilang, dan akhirnya keluar dan jalan kaki aja... toh tempat tujuan ku dah ga jauh lagi

  • At 3:56 pm, Blogger arleynova said…

    wahhh...mosok sih, fan di negara secanggih ausie??
    kasian juga ya, kl masyarakat musti nanggung.


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