sweetie blue

come with me giving the nice smile to everyone that needs smile and happiness for yesterday, today, tomorrow and ever after...

Friday, March 24, 2006

morning cooks

hi pals..

akhir-akhir ini aku sng bgt masak pagi-pagi. kadang masak bareng-bareng temen kos, kadang masak sndiri...heheh...
setiap hari kuawali dg solat subuh (5.30 am >> pemalas...kekeke) then nonton berita ato kalo lg kesel ma temen sebelah kamar yg suka gedubragan subuh² biasanya lgs kubalas dg perilaku yg sama, nyetel lagu kenceng² pake Philips 1.2 superbass ku.. lagu-lagu fave ku mulai terdengar mule dari Lettto's (Ruang Rindu, Sampe Mati, Truth Lie, etc), Akon, Lifehouse, etc. pokoknya kubuat pagi ku serasa rame dan romantis dee..

jam 6.30 am saatnya belanja ke warung deket burjo swakarya. trakhir aku masak sup jagung-jamur..mmm...tinggal beli wortel, buncis, tempe. harusnya pake ayam, tp hari itu aku mau masak sehat jd gak ada ayam segala. cukup tempe. sederhana tapi mantaps..

jam 7 am biasanya sampe kos lagi. masak dehhh...
sendirian, krn temen² belum pada bangun (kl nunggu mereka, bisa² diamuk bos aku dateng telat). yap.. mo tau cara masak menu fave ku ?

sup jagung (corn soup) utk 3 kali maem

- jagung manis sebonggol (disisir halus -- ciri²nya jagung ini akan meninggalkan warna kuning, kl dicampur di sop biasanya membuat kuah sop jadi kekuningan) tp tetap mengesankan rasa manis di kuahnya.
- buncis 10 batang (dikupas ujung²nya)
- wortel 3 batang besar (plg enak wortel boyolali, manis dan empuk) dikupas (kl ngupas wortel jgn tebel² sayang vitamin A yg tdpt di kulitnya terkikis)
- jamur kembang (direndam dulu di air dingin selama kira² 15 menit supaya empuk)
- garam dan merica secukupnya
- bawang putih digeprek (efek digeprek lbh bagus drpd di uleg, karena harumnya lebih menguar)

- semua bahan dikupas, diiris tipis-tipis menurut selera
- air direbus sampe mendidih
- masukkan wortel dan jamur
- masukkan buncis
- campurkan bawang, merica dan garam secukupnya
- cicip dikit² (kalo nyicip di tangan aja, kl di sendok sayurnya = NGGAK SOPAN..itu kan dipake ngaduk² kl masak jgn jorok² dunk...hehehe..)
- angkat kl dah merasa cukup matang dan enak.
- kalo masih ada yg kurang, dikira² aja apa yg kurang atau belum dimasukkan.
- tambahkan bawang goreng tipis² utk menambah aroma...


kalo mo buat tempe goreng enak tu juga gampang. pake aja bumbu tambahan seperti kemiri (jgn banyak²..sayang!), bawang putih (jgn kebanyakan jg, efeknya pait di masakan), ketumbar yg semuanya diuleg alus. air buat rendamannya jgn banyak² karena ntar bumbunya kabur..
goreng dehh..
jangan gosong², jgn ditinggal pergi karena tempe memiliki karakter aneh. kl ditungguin suka lama, kl ditinggal cepet gosonk...hahaha..
yg jelas, apinya jgn gede²...

abis masak aku mandi. ups, dah jam 8 tuh...musti cepet² kalo gak mau dilirik bos karena telat lagi...haha... (bingung sih, lembur gak dikasi duit, datang telat jg dilirik sinis..hahah..nasib !)

jam 8.30 am aku dah sampe kantor,
buka tupperwareku.
makan sendiri di pojokan
anak² melirik sirik
cuma buat seporsi, neh..
maap yaa
someday aku mo masak buat temen² lagi (jadi inget pas buat klepon waktu di warnet dl - kleponku laku keras...bahkan ada yg sampek brantem segala demi sebutir klepon....kekekek...nice...)

ok, that's all
cya later denga cerita dan resep berbeda, ok!

love. rere. arleynova


Friday, March 03, 2006

dedicated to my dear sister

as i may count more and more,
someday i will see one by one all of my best sisters leave me here
dunno where to find the other sisters like them
and that day has come

dear sister,
this year will be our 7th years of a sistership. and today, you'll fly away to the eastern side of Indonesia, back to your way home, find your charity there..

if i can say from my deepest heart,
i am broken when separating away from one of my best sister that i have ever had,
after i was separated from ewi, mamie, meta, and m ira (the last) too.

last night, i wanted to cry
imagining that someday if i need a sist's shoulder to cry on,
dunno where i will run
someday if i need hands to cure me when i am weak
dunno where to call

i always try not to reach you too close, since i know exactly i will loose you..someday just when you back home..

wish you'll always be happy there sist
i can't accompany you there
you've chosen the best choice in life
between your love (your left your boyfriend) and life

you have done your best, sist

no matter what it will be difficult to you through it all

i will always smile for you
i will try to be as strong as you always teach me so
i will be more and more smart as you wish me so
i wont tear you up

thank you so much for all attention you have done for me
thank you so much for the sister's love
thank you for the hands that are very helpful
thank you for the cook teaching ;)

thank you for all that i cant write them down here
it is my big gift to have you
not only in these seven years, i wish
but forever and ever

dedicated to my best sister, prajnya paramitha
